A brain storm 2025

I have been thinking hard about what I would like to do next – there haven’t been so many new products one month into 2025 (although they seem to be ramping up now…) and thought I would have a little brain storm about what I will be doing this year. I figured I would write it all out and keep looking back at it to see what jumped out at me, but then it occured to me that this isn’t secret and it would be useful to hear some views on what folks were thinking about what I was thinking.

First up, I would like to do much of the same type of content, but what can I add? I am just going to drop some bullet points below about what I am thinking in no particular order and these are just thoughts atm, just budding ideas.

  • Facebook – I have been thinking this every year, but I really should have a facebook page too. I just really like how Facebook works for general interest/ hobby pages, but it is still a very widely used social media platform.
  • Statistics graphs – I would love to both expand and consolidate my ratings (out of 10) without taking up too much text in the reviews – I already give a vast write up that I am repeatedly amazed people read all the way through. My solution: graphical indicators showing how I rated as well as the totals.
  • TikTok – alright, I hate video and am seething that Instagram got into video and ‘reels’ in fact I still purposely try not to ‘like’ any video content to do my part in discouraging creators. While I don’t think any creators should have to use any type of medium that they aren’t comfortable with, I am missing out on a lot of extra views by stubbornly sticking to outdated technology like images. I am getting quite interested in stop motion animation and perhaps this could work well with an unboxing style video. Undoubtedly it will look really sh1t at first, but maybe I could develop the skill over time. This content could also be used on other social media platforms.
  • Twitter – sorry X – I still think this is a stupid name for twitter and I am angry at Elon Musk for cheating at Path of Exile 2, but I really like the platform. I already have the skeleton of an account up there and think it could be a great way of quickly communicating updates and news and the like. I would also love to embed a little ‘ticker’ feed on the sidebar of this very website and at one point I had it working really well, but after all the staff layoffs it stopped working and no one has been able to tell me why or how to fix it yet.
  • Lab equipment – I would like to upgrade my laboratory with some more impressive looking equipment and decent backdrops for improved product shoots. My thoughts; test tubes, beaker flasks, lab tongs, stainless steel, perhaps a stone workbench, fairly plain to keep focus on the product.
  • Threads is just a clone of twitter – I don’t really care about it and it never really took off, but I will continue to post there every now and again as long as followers are still engaging. On a side note, if anyone engages with any of my posts and has something other than a blank, privated account, I will follow you.
  • I am continuing to make this website better so I will include that on the list – some of the ways I would like to upgrade I have already outlined about (mainly graphical rating system and embedded news style feed.) Additionally some more personal posts like this one could work and what if I included polls and games (vote for next review? return of Guess the Sh1t?)? What about I have a live version of the sh1tlist?

This is about all that I have for today but this is an evolving beast and I might add some more thoughts in the future. So finally I would like to formally invite anyone reading this to tell me what they think of my thoughts and I would welcome any additional thoughts or suggestions. Hey, I wrote this quick – at least correct my grammar or spelling.

I am currently giving serious thought on just about anything right now. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear any comments. 🙂

Your ole pal sh1teater.

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