Another favourite NZ staple of limited edition releases has appeared – Whittakers NZ chocolate have released a new Easter themed chocolate block. Yes, so early – I know, but I couldn’t wait any longer as I was hearing such good things about these that I fear they might sell out well before the Easter Bunny even ties their shoes this year.
First up I want to point out that even though this is called Choc Cross Bun, it is not a bun and has only a very loose connection to any type of cross. Choc is accurate though. Short for ‘chocolate’ – a food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery – which is exactly what this is.
This is just a chocolate block flavoured to taste like a hot cross bun – you know them bread things that you have to eat at morning tea around Easter? Yeah, them ones with the cross on them.
And, by the name of the resurrected rabbit, have they done a fine job on this one! This really invokes everything that I like about hot cross buns:
Firstly, upon unwrapping, it smelt very strongly of spiced orange, so much so, I was a little unsure if it was going to be accurately flavoured, the orange took a quiet back seat to the other spices that have been added though. The ingredients just says: Mixed spice flavour, but it tastes like all the Easter spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and umm – I dunno what else is Easter spice, eggs maybe?
And raisins, so many raisins! “Raisins?” I hear you say, “what is so good about raisins?” And yes, I would be asking a similar question – normally, but with the taste of all them spices and subtle orange oil, it totally made me check to see if they had just stuffed wads of the finest hot cross buns directly into the chocolate.

This is the first Easter sh1t I have tried so far this year and has advantage by coming out so early, but seriously would place bets that this is the best Easter sh1t to come out this year.
A true ascension of chocolate – 9/10