Arnotts Cracker Chips – Maple Bacon
… And now you don’t have to because Arnott’s Biscuits have created a thing called a cracker chip which is a hybrid chip/cracker with the best features…
Snacks, fast food, and soft drinks – based in NZ
… And now you don’t have to because Arnott’s Biscuits have created a thing called a cracker chip which is a hybrid chip/cracker with the best features…
The people have spoken – the vote has been tallied and the Balik Kraker has emerged victorious. Thank yous to those that voted and especially to those who spent a whole afternoon refreshing the page so you could vote hundreds of times
Well it seems to be a new fashion trend to make shit taste like a hamburger at the moment. I am not complaining, in fact I support it wholeheartedly. I love hamburgers.