I have been trying to get my hands on a bag of this shit ever since @zedd.photos and @mr_wiffen mentioned them to me, and finally I have started to see them spread far and wide throughout the foodstuff retail shops.
It was the name of the flavour that first sold me – Vinegar and Salt. Many years ago during one of my annual spirit quests an idea came to me: chips always have exactly the same name for their flavours combinations regardless of the brand. Sour cream and chives, salt and vinegar, ready salted, it was like they had some sort of unwritten decree that the flavours had to be written in a certain order.
What if I was to mix the names up so that we had flavours like ‘Chives and Sour Cream’, ‘Vinegar and Salt’, ‘Salted Already’ and um, ‘Quebebarb’. Before I could set up and begin production of what would surely be a fruitful potato chip brand, I see this. Wakachangi Larger created Snackachangi and beaten me to it.
Not only that, but they have written all sorts of humorous, pseudo factual shit on their packet, that it reads like a post from this very account. Actually I would be proud to have come up with the type of content on their packet, it is exactly the sort of shit I would like to write.
Wait a minute, did I make these? Could it be possible that I fulfilled my dream of reverse naming chip flavours and writing stupid shit all over the place? Am I Uncle Kenny? Sadly no, but I am already biased towards liking these chips before I even open the bag.
“Chunky. Crunchy. Crispy. Brass Kettle Fried. Corrugated Chips”, the packet states, and that is exactly what I found inside. The corrugation gauge of these chips have given them unsurpassed structural integrity, I reckon a chip could soak for a week in dip and still scoop half the bowl into your mouth. They still crunch readily though and break down in one’s mouth like a good chip should.
The flavour was fairly strong too and personally think they have achieved the perfect intensity of salt and — excuse me – vinegar and salt.
I wish I had made these – 8/10