Ever have a hankering for protein? I can’t say that I have, but sometimes I need to come up with some interesting rhetoric to lead into a review.
As I was saying, I didn’t really have a specific hankering for protein today, but nevertheless went and picked up a Protein cookie because I had been told about this brand mysteriously known as ‘Justine’s’ that apparently “don’t taste weird at all”, which is a big claim for a protein cookie, because every protein product that I have ever tried has had some weird sh1t going on. From the grainy sand texture to the artificial bitter banana flavour there always has been a significant weird component to protein cookies.
Okay turns so @justinescookies isn’t really that mysterious of an outfit, there is actually sh1tloads of information readily available
Justine’s is a health foods manufacturer based in Wellington. The CEO is a Justine Muollo, who amazingly has the same first name as the company name and no doubt got on the short list for the CEO gig because of this convenient coincidence and because of her prize winning “Biscotti Spoon”, (yeah, I know! It is apparently a spoon made out of biscotti that you can use to stir/dunk in your coffee or whatever!!).
I was told that this sh1t was pretty popular and should be easy to come across and literally the first place I looked had them – but only the one flavour! The Vegan Nutty Choc. I am going to assume that is because it is the worst flavour and the others had all flown off the shelves and sold out.
This was soft and chewy and had a doughy uncooked quality that I actually really was into. It wasn’t gritty in the slightest and although it used stevia for sweetening, I couldn’t detect any offensive aftertaste which is oft a risk with this ingredient. Tasted like a delicious nutty brownie to me and left me feeling extremely full, that’s a protein thing, right?
Not that weird – 7/10
Bonus sh1t: this has 3.7g of sugar, is non GMO, Halal approved, keto friendly, kosher certified, wheat and gluten free and vegan. They ran out of room for any more cert logos.