On the 2nd day of sh1tmas…
What Christmas would be complete without buying a bucket of Cookie Time Cookies?
Okay so I actually have never bought one before, but I have had people try to sell them to me before and every year without fail someone buys them and shares them with me.
What Christmas would be complete without someone else buying a bucket of Cookie Time Cookie and sharing them with me?
This year a new flavour has been added – Lemon Meringue and I learnt that I don’t know how to spell Meringue. Don’t let this post fool you, I used auto correct I think it is right because it is the way Cookie Time spells it on their packet too. Unless they also got it wrong…
I was told once that dictionaries don’t actually list the rules on how words are used, or how they are spelt, they just record the common usage of the words. That is why they can list the definition of the word ‘literally’ as meaning ‘figuratively’ and why they have included the word ‘bootylicious’. Damn I hope I spelled that correctly… ‘bootylicious’ is still widely used in the English speaking world, right? You all still use it in conversation on a daily basis, right?
Anyways speaking of cookies, and Christmas – that is what we are speaking of, right? What better flavour to take to your Christmas party than traditional Christmas lemon? I don’t think I have ever had a lemon meringue cookie before. Possibly a lemon cream cookie once…
Lifting the top off of the cookie bucket I discovered hordes of mini cookies with lumps of white chocolate and is that little pieces of dried lemon!??
Alright, suddenly I am excited about this, I lift a cookie to my mouth and chuck it in, chewing several times and rolling the smashed cookie around in my mouth and across my tongue.
It definitely tastes lemony, very nice, not too sour but definitely a citrusy kick to it. I also get smooth sense of meringue in the texture too. A pretty unique flavour, actually ‘new’ and it tastes pretty damn good too.
Lemon Christmas Party 7.5/10