Auntie Jodi’s Baking Co. – Pumpkin Pie Kit
imagine my surprise at the bravery of Auntie Jodi’s Baking Co. when I received the offer to try one of their pumpkin pie kits and enlisted to bake a pie of my own.
Snacks, fast food, and soft drinks – based in NZ
imagine my surprise at the bravery of Auntie Jodi’s Baking Co. when I received the offer to try one of their pumpkin pie kits and enlisted to bake a pie of my own.
What Christmas would be complete without buying a bucket of Cookie Time Cookies?
Okay so I actually have never bought one before but someone always…
reo sometimes puts out different flavours – this one sounds pretty good: Cinnamon Bun. I really do like cinnamon, but I don’t really understand the bun part.
I was given two options in preparing this and I went for the ‘crispy’ option for the true s’more campfire experience,
These tasted mostly of sweet. Maybe a touch of vanilla in there and the jelly centre was the usual generic red flavour – sweet synthetic strawberry, I guess
The natural red coloring in beetroot is called betanin and is such a vibrant compound that it can be used as a natural alternative to artificial colouring
I have seen lots of posts about lolly cakes, all the while here is me scrolling through posts with glazed eyes. What the sh1t is a lolly cake?
You may remember that I have reviewed this before – but this isn’t a review, this is a special announcement that Bake n’ Break wanted me to share with you
Speaking of licorice, were we speaking of licorice? Well we are now – – griffinsbiscuits have put licorice in their ToffeePops.
Are hot crossed buns even that popular or are they just foisted upon us by the giant faceless marketing machine that capitalizes on every single holiday event?